it was Paul Revere and other minutemen who did the warning system in the old north church.
The Hostage System was a system of political control used by the shogunates.
Vestry in the church is a sacred room which is used by Pastors and preachers to pray just before they will give a sermon to the congregation
the metric system
A confederation with other British colonies. It gave the the frame work of a parliamentary system based on the British system, as well as powers and responsibility of taxation, defense, navigation, banking, health, postal system, legal systems and many other things Britain used to be responsible for. Freedom from British control was not allowed.
No not all states, Illinois,Virginia, west Virginia, Pennsylvania, new jersey, new York, Texas, fl, Indiana, Maryland, just about all the states on the north east
Giant Voice
The North had a better rail system then the north, The south used more rivers then rails in the civil war
Giant Voice
my computer is very fast
to tell the people that the British were coming
In North America the system used is AWG. American Wire Gauge.
neon is used for warning signals
The first tsunami warning system was established in the Pacific Ocean in 1948, following the destructive tsunami that occurred in the region in 1946. The system was put in place to help detect and warn about potential tsunamis to minimize their impact on coastal communities.
Hazchem is a warning plate system that is commonly used in Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. It is used for vehicles transporting hazardous substances, as a warning sign.
It was built so people could practice religion and it was used for a meeting place.
The underground railroad