The Government Printing Office
Do you think Obama would be president had he been busted for smoking pot and snorting lines ? Now thats a question you should be asking . But to answer your question , Yes , you can still run for president with a prior felony .
The current president of France is Francois Hollande. He was voted into office on May 15, 2012. In France, the president serves of term of 5 years, and can only serve two terms. There are a few qualifications to become president of France. You must be at least 18 years old and a citizen of the country. You must be eligible to vote, have no criminal record, and have a bank account. To become president of France you must also be nominated by at least 500 qualified elected officials, such as members of Parliament.
History does not record if he did or not. It can be assumed he did.
For the United States Presidential Campaigs the youngest presidential candidate eligible to take office if elected is of known record Brandon S. Dean. He registered his FEC Form 2 (Statement of Candidacy) in December of 2011. He was 34 years old. However, he will be 35 years old (the age necessary to be president) by November 6th, 2012. Source:
A criminal record does not automatically preclude someone from running for the office of President, however it may prevent that person from running for State office or even voting for themselves.
He had no criminal record. you have a criminal record ??!!
Your criminal record is your history of criminal activity. Your history is ALWAYS there and does not "go away" unless it is legally expunged.
... a permanent record of the fact in their criminal history record.
If you never appeared in court and officially "charged" with an offense, there can be no criminal history record of a conviction.
The small administrative charge for obtaining a criminal history record is usually very minor - in my experience - about the cost of a pack of cigarettes.
If you are referring to a dismissal of a criminal charge - the record of your arrest and the charge will always appear on your criminal history record AND ALSO the fact that the charge was dismissed.
Criminal charges ALWAYS remain on your criminal record. That's why they call it a 'record.' It is a compendium of your entire criminal history.
An adult criminal history is a permanent record.
If the record is valid it cannot be expunged, it is a permanent part of the person's criminal history.
Your adult criminal record is a permanent party of your criminal history. It does not "go away."