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Q: Who was called The Father Of the American Revolution?
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Often called the father of the American revolution this man's writings influenced the American revolutionaries?

Thomas Paine was called the father of the American revolution. His writings influenced the American revolutionaries.

Who is often called the father of the American revolution?

Samual Adams

Who was called father of the American revolution?

That would be Thomas Paine.

Father of American Revolution?

The Father of the American Revolution is said to be Thomas Paine. He is the author of the pamphlet Common Sense.

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Who was father of the French Revolution?

Jean Jacques Rousseau is called the father of french revolution.

Why is George Washington called the father of our country?

GeorgeWashington is called the father of our country because he was the first president of the USAIf it were not for his defeat of the British in the American Revolution, the USA would not have come into being

Why is George Washington called father of our country?

GeorgeWashington is called the father of our country because he was the first president of the USAIf it were not for his defeat of the British in the American Revolution, the USA would not have come into being

Why is George Washington called the father our country?

GeorgeWashington is called the father of our country because he was the first president of the USAIf it were not for his defeat of the British in the American Revolution, the USA would not have come into being

Who Is The Father of American independence?

The man known as the Father of the American Revolution was the revolutionary and rebel Samuel Adams. He was a great leader during the revolution and was known for his determination.

What was the American Revolution also called?

The American War of IndependenceThe American RebellionThe War of American IndependenceSorry, but, in fact, we tend to call it "The American Revolution"!

What was the war Americans fought for independence called?

The battle by the 13 British American colonies for independence was called the American Revolution.