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Margaret Mead

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Q: Who was famous and wrote Coming of Age in Samoa?
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Author of coming of age in Samoa?

Margaret Mead wrote Coming of Age in Samoa.

When was Coming of Age in Samoa created?

Coming of Age in Samoa was created in 1928.

How many pages does Coming of Age in Samoa have?

Coming of Age in Samoa has 297 pages.

What is Margaret Mead well known for?

Margaret Mead was an anthropologist who was famous for her sexual studies on Pacific Islanders. Her work went a long way toward relaxing mores on sexuality in the 1960s and 1970s.

Is Eric Huang age eight famous?

Yes, in fact, he wrote many books at the age of eight.

What did Margaret mead study in the 1930s?

Margaret Mead studied the cultures and societies of Pacific Islanders, particularly in Samoa, during the 1930s. She explored topics such as gender roles, adolescence, and cultural variation, which she documented in her book "Coming of Age in Samoa."

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Which famous German composer went deaf before he wrote some of his most famous music?

Ludwig van Beethoven began going deaf at the age of 28.

When was Coming of Age - book - created?

Coming of Age - book - was created in 1999.

When is coming of age coming back on air?

Series 3 of Coming of Age should be on air early 2011.

Who wrote The Girl in the Lavender Dress?

Angela Barton wrote the book "The Girl in the Lavender Dress." It is a coming-of-age novel that follows the story of a young girl named Dory as she navigates family secrets and her own identity.