J.F. Brondel was an inventor who invented the flush-able toilet. He invented this type of toilet in 1738.
He was the most succesful inventor of barbed wire and helped change the history of the American West.
JFK was assassinated on 22 November 1963 in Dallas, Texas.
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The 25th amendment to the U.S. Constitution clarified questions of succession in the event of a president dies, becomes disabled or leaves office for any reason. It also establishes procedures for replacing the Vice President when he assumes the Presidency. In addition is deals with the situation where the President become medically disabled.
No presidents were born in Alabama, but from neighboring Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, and Tennessee there have been: Jimmy Carter (Georgia) Andrew Jackson (Tennessee) James K. Polk Andrew Johnson
There is limited information available about JF Brondel. It is possible they are a private individual or a lesser-known public figure.
Jean-Baptiste Brondel died in 1903.
Georges Brondel has written: 'L' Europe a 50 ans'
Jean-Baptiste Debret was born in 1768.
J.F. Brondel.
There is no definitive information on inventor J. F. Brondel, and it is possible that his sole contribution (inventing a toilet valve in 1738) may be a fictitious repetition.
This is my
Its was found in 1738 by a man named J.F Brondel
JF KENNEDY was shot with an Italian Carcano
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