When the California gold rush began in 1848, James Knox Polk was the President of the United States, but it continued during the Presidencies of Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, and tapered off by the time Franklin Pierce was President, in 1855.
There have been several gold rushes in the United States:
Carolina Gold Rush (1799, George Washington, John Adams)
Georgia Gold Rush (1828, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson)
Pikes Peak Gold Rush (1859, James Buchanan)
Idaho Gold Rushes (1860-1863, James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln)
Black Hills Gold Rush (1874-1878) (U.S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes)
Mount Baker Gold Rush (1897 to 1920s, William McKinley to Calvin Coolidge)
Fairbanks Gold Rush (1902-1905, Theodore Roosevelt)
A reference for Gold Rushes in United States is below:
James A. Polk was the president when the 1849 gold rush near Sacramento CA happened.
William H. Mc Kinley
the gold rush
the older people who were involved in the gold rush sadly passed away and the gold they had were to be found by relitives or friends. they died!
Chinese immigrants are known as "hua qiao"
what country ??? there were many "gold rush's " in the world ...
Zachary Taylor
James Knox Polk was the president when gold was discovered in 1848. The gold rush was still going on when Zachary Taylor took office on March 4, 1849.
Yes the shovel was used during the Gold Rush.
Miners stayed in miner's settlements during the gold rush.
Yes the shovel was used during the Gold Rush.
James A. Polk was the president when the 1849 gold rush near Sacramento CA happened.
A shovel during the gold rush would cost $11.
Zachary Taylor and Ulysses S. Grant. Franklin Pierce also served and played a more prominent role than did Grant.
William H. Mc Kinley
Nothing, because the Gold Rush was in 1849.