Thomas Jefferson was the US President in 1803 when he negotiated the purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France, for a total cost of about $15 million.
The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of The United States.
Thomas Jefferson
President Thomas Jefferson commissioned the Lewis and Clark expedition, not long after he bought the Louisiana territory from Napoleon.
No. The first president to expand the country was Thomas Jefferson, when he bought the Louisiana Purchase.
The Louisiana Purchase, in 1803. Bought by then-president Thomas Jefferson for $15 miliion from France. What a deal !
Before President Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Purchase from the French, the ownership of that land moved around. First it was owned by France. Then, it became Spain's. Penultimately, it was the French, then the US.
Thomas Jefferson
President Thomas Jefferson, the exploration began after USA bought Louisiana in 1803.
President Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory.
In 1803 President Jefferson bought the Louisiana Purchase from France.
President Jefferson bought the Louisiana territory from France.Napoleon sold Lousiana (2 million sq km) to President Jefferson ( James Monroe was the negotiator) for 15 million dollars in 1803.
Yes, he was.
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson oversaw the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and thereby doubled the size of the US.
President Jefferson bought the Louisiana territory from France.Napoleon sold Lousiana (2 million sq km) to President Jefferson ( James Monroe was the negotiator) for 15 million dollars in 1803.
President Jefferson bought the Louisiana territory from France.Napoleon sold Lousiana (2 million sq km) to President Jefferson ( James Monroe was the negotiator) for 15 million dollars in 1803.
No treaty. Louisiana was bought from France.
President Thomas Jefferson receives the credit. James Monroe and Robert Livingston were the US negotiators.