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john Locke was an English philosopher and Enlightenment thinker who wrote about the government's job to protect the natural rights of life liberty and property.

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Jean-Jacques Rousseau .

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a penis named john Locke

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Q: Who was the Enlightenment thinker who came up with the idea that people have rights that the government must protect?
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What enlightenment thinker argued that the purpose of government is to safeguard the natural rights of people?

john Locke

What Enlightenment thinker argued that the purpose of government is to safeguard the natural rights of the people?

John Locke

Who enlightenment thinker who believed in natural rights and a people's right to abolish and abusive government?

John Locke

Who was the most influential thinker from the enlightenment?

In my opinion, John Locke was the most influential enlightenment thinker because of his opinions of people's freedoms and government's role in society. His take on the social-contract theory shaped our government and his ideals are reflected in the Declaration of Independence. He thought the government ruled by permission of the people, and if the government was intruding on our inalienable rights, (life,libery,property) then we have a right to overthrow or change the government.

A key enlightenment thinker whose idea of social contract between people and their government appealed to colonial leaders was?

John Locke

Which enlightenment thinker is know for the will of the people?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

How does the bill of rights reflect a key enlightenment idea?

The Bill of Rights reflects a key enlightenment idea because it limits what government can do and it does so in order to protect the rights of the people.

According to enlightenment thinkers what is the primary job of government?

to be by the people for the people, in other words; to protect the citizens' rights

Which principle established during the Enlightenment does this excerpt reflect?

The government should protect the rights of its citizens. Apex

How does the bill of rights reflect a key enlightenment?

The Bill of Rights reflects a key enlightenment idea because it limits what government can do and it does so in order to protect the rights of the people.

WHO WAS THE Enlightenment thinker thought people had the right to overthrow bad governments?

John Locke. . . I think

Enlightenment thinker believed in?

Enlightenment thinkers believed that understanding a new truth could change them for the better.