George Washington led his troups across the Delaware river in 1776
the british surrendered
cuz they were all drunk and coudnt fight
For most of his life, George Washington was a Virginia planter. He also was a soldier and a general and spent some time as a surveyor.
This was part of General Washington's farewell address to his officers in 1783. The American Revolution had ended, and George Washington fulfilled what he had promised to do at the beginning of the war, put down the sword and return to regular life. Many of his soldiers wanted him to become king. Washington would hear of it. So as soon as the lat British soldier boarded a ship to return to England, Washington resigned his commission as not only General of the armed forces but Commander in Chief.
casimir pulaski
George Washington also served in the British army.
The continental army of the Civil war was the army of the Continental United States. The main, and best (he won many battles) soldier was General George McClellan.
you can get a soldier some bullets for Christmas
i don know
Marquis de Lafayatte was an aid to General Washington.
For most of his life, George Washington was a Virginia planter. He also was a soldier and a general and spent some time as a surveyor.
There was no confederate soldier ever pictured on confederacy currency. General George Washington was featured on one of the bank notes that was in circulation.
He was a soldier, a General and an Emperor.
He Became A Soldier in 1754
He Became A Soldier in 1754
Thank you.
A Soldier's Christmas - 2006 TV was released on: USA: 19 December 2006
Marquis de Lafayette
He was in a pickle