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Abel Janszoon Tasman of The Netherlands was the first European to sight New Zealand, doing so in 1642, but he did explore the islands. At the time he believed it to be part of the same continent to which Van Diemen's Land (now Tasmania) belonged.

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13y ago

Abel Janszoon Tasman, On 13 December 1642. he and his two ships sailed into a small town now named golden bay. the Maori come out and there was a war between the two. and the town was named murders bay. and no living European steped foot on the counrty in this voyage. it wasn't until 1769 when James cook was to discover new Zealand.

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12y ago

In December 1642, Dutch explorer Abel Tasman sighted a new land which he described as mountainous and covered in cloud in the south, but more barren in the north. He had discovered New Zealand. The islands were named after the Dutch province of Zeeland. However, New Zealand remained largely unknown until Captain James Cook sailed past in 1769 and explored the island, charting the coastline extensively. Following Cook's detailed report, the usual run of Whalers, missionaries, and traders followed.

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14y ago

A Dutchman from Holland named Abel Tasman was the first European to sight the coast of New Zealand...

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15y ago

The first recorded European explorer to discover New Zealand was Dutch explorer Abel Tasman.

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13y ago

The first European to sight New Zealand, in 1642, was the Dutch explorer Abel Tasman.

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12y ago

yo mom!

ponce e

de leon

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12y ago

I am pretty certain it was James Cook.

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13y ago

James Cook.

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Q: Who was the first European to sight New Zealand?
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James Cook (not yet a captain) was the first European to sight the east coast of New Zealand in 1769. Abel Tasman had only sailed south of New Zealand in 1642.

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The first Europeans known to have sighted New Zealand were Abel Tasman and the crews of his two vessels in 1642. There have been other unproven claims for an earlier European visit. Lloyd Esler

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Captain Cook did not settle in New Zealand. He made three voyages to the Pacific and visited New Zealand on four separate occasions. He led the first British expedition to discover New Zealand and the first to set foot on new Zealand. Abel Tasman was the first European to sight New Zealand but did not land there. Captain James Cook was the first to circumnavigate and map New Zealand.

When did Abel Tasman the first European sight the west coast of new zealand just south of Cape Foulwind?

Pretty sure it was 1642.

Was james cook the first person to visit new Zealand?

Yes; James Cook is believed to be the first European to actually land on New Zealand soil. He was not, however, the first European to discover New Zealand - that was achieved by Abel Tasman in 1642.

Was Abel Tasman the first to discover New Zealand?

Even though the Maoris lived in New Zealand earlier, he was the first European to explore the island.

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James Cook is credited with being the first European explorer to circumnavigate and chart New Zealand.

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New Zealand was settled by Polynesians over 700 years ago. The first European explorer to discover New Zealand was Abel Tasman.

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where did they settle in new zealand.

Which dutch explorer was the first European to vist new zealand?

Abel Janszoon Tasman was the Dutch explorer who first discovered New Zealand but he did not set foot on land there.