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John Tyler in 1845. He had vetoed a bill forbidding him to allocate money for Revenue cutters and steamers withoutrt Congressional approval.

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John Tyler was the first president to have a veto overridden in January, 1845.

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Q: Who was the first President to veto a bill from Congress?
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How does the supreme court override the veto by president?

A president can veto a bill that the congress passes and sends to him for his signature and he can refuse to sign it (vetoing it). But the president cannot override vetos. The congress can override president's veto by a 2/3 vote.

When was the first time Congress overrode a presidential veto?

The Congress first overrode a presidential veto - that is, passed a bill into law notwithstanding the President's objections - on March 3, 1845.

If a bill arrives on the desk of the president of the US and it originated in the Senate A pocket veto will be possible for him only if what?

A pocket veto will be possible for the president only if Congress adjourns before the president has ten days to sign or veto the bill. If Congress adjourns during this period, the bill does not become law and is effectively vetoed.

Who can veto a bill passed by congress?

The President of the United States has the authority to veto a bill passed by Congress. This power is outlined in the U.S. Constitution under Article 1, Section 7. If the President chooses to veto a bill, it can still become law if Congress overrides the veto with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

What is the difference in the effects between a pocket veto and a normal veto registered by the president?

With a "regular" veto, the president prevents it from becoming a law by withholding his signature and returning it to Congress; with a pocket veto he also withholds his signature, but does so when Congress has adjourned and has not designated a legal agent to receive veto or other messages (as at the end of a two-year congress). This is a pocket veto, and the bill dies after 10 days of being submitted to the president. A pocket veto applies only when the Congress is not in session.

Related questions

Who is the president checking when he veto's a bill?

When the president is checking congress when he veto or reject a bill

Who can use a veto to check congress?

The president can veto a bill that congress has passed.

Who can veto the president's bill?

The congress.

Can the president veto the bill?

The congress.

The president may veto a bill but if he does he must?

When the president veto's a bill, he must return the bill to the members of congress. Congress can then vote again or change the bill.

Who signs a bill from Congress?

The president can either choose to sign the bill into law or veto it, but Congress can override a veto.

What happens when congress vetoes a bill the president wants?

Congress doesn't have the power of veto; the President has the power of veto.

Is a veto when the president sign a bill?

No, a veto is when the president returns a bill to Congress with his or her objections. It does not become law unless Congress votes by 2/3 majorities in both houses to override the President's veto.

How can the President show disapproval of a bill that has been passed by congress?

The President can show disapproval of a bill that has been passed by congress by vetoing the bill. Congress, however, can override a presidential veto.

What is it called when a president rejects a bill passed by Congress and sends it back to Congress?

Ah, that's a happy little process called "vetoing." When a president decides to veto a bill, it means they are saying, "Let's take another look at this, friends." It's all part of the beautiful checks and balances in our government, giving everyone a chance to work together and create something truly wonderful.

How does the supreme court override the veto by president?

A president can veto a bill that the congress passes and sends to him for his signature and he can refuse to sign it (vetoing it). But the president cannot override vetos. The congress can override president's veto by a 2/3 vote.

Who can veto a reform bill?

Only the president can veto a bill of any kind that is passed by the Congress.