Thomas Jefferson who was elected as part of the Democratic-Republican party.
Abraham Lincoln was the first president from the Republican party.
they are the delegates
National Convention
The first President from the Whig Party was William Henry Harrison, the 9th President of the United States, serving from March 4, 1841-April 4, 1841.
Abraham Lincoln was the first member of the Republican Party to be elected President of the United States, in 1860. The Republican Party was formed in the years leading up to the American Civil War.
He was the first African-American nominee for President from a major political party.
Abraham Lincoln was the first president from the Republican party.
Democratic Party
The Democratic Party's nominee for vice president in the 1864 presidential elections was George Pendelton. He was the running mate of the Party's presidential nominee George B. McClellan.
Franklin Pierce was the fourth Democratic Party Presidential Nominee to be elected President after Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren and James K. Polk.
In the United States, the first elected Vice President was John Adams. This occurred in 1789. Adams was a member of the Federalist Party.
they are the delegates
The first president from the original Democratic-Republican Party was Thomas Jefferson. He was elected in 1802 and took office in 1803.
Vice presidents are usually elected jointly as a running mate to the president. The electoral college elects the President and the President chooses the Vice President. a Presidential candidate selects "their" own V.P, but is nominated and elected by party convention
National Convention
A political party's nominee for president chooses who will replace him/her in the event that he/she cannot finish his/her term due to death, resignation or removal from office, but the party must approve the choice. That person is the presidential nominee's running mate or the vice-presidential nominee. When the office of the Vice President becomes vacant during a term due to the death, resignation or removal from office of either the President or the Vice President, the President chooses someone to fill the vacancy, but the choice must be approved by both Houses of Congress. A President who completes his/her term does not choose who will succeed him/her.
The first president to be elected by the Democratic Party was Andrew Jackson. The Democratic Party arose from the earlier Democratic-Republican Party, and many Democrats see its beginnings there. The first president elected by the Democratic-Republican Party was Thomas Jefferson. The word "democrat," with a small 'd,' denotes a political process rather than a political party. So the question, without capitalization, asks who was the first democratically elected president; this was, of course, George Washington, if you are asking about the presidents of the United States.