The first grandchild born in the White House was Thomas Jefferson's grandson, James Madison Randolph, born to his daughter, on January 17, 1806 . ( The first girl grandchild was John Quincy Adams' granddaughter.)
The 23rd President, Benjamin Harrison was the grandson of the 9th President, William Henry Harrison.
So far, they are the only grandfather-grandson pair to serve as US president. John Adams/John Quincy Adams and George H.W. Bush/ George W. Bush are the only father-son Presidents to date.
"What was John Adams the first to be in the White House?"
Possibly James Madison. The "Executive Mansion" was burned by the British during the war of 1812, and after the war was over, it was painted white to cover smoke damage. Madison was president at the time, and may have dubbed it "The White House", but it is equally likely people just began popularly calling it that.
Rutherford b Hayes
"What was John Adams the first to be in the White House?"
Only George Washington, who lived in New York City and then in Philadelphia, which were the nation's first capitals. He never lived in the White House. John Adams was the first to live in the White House. He moved there in November, 1800 soon after the Capital moved to Washington.
Benjamin Harrison was the first, and only, grandson of a formal president to become a president. He was the grandson of William Henry Harrison.
John Adams was the first US president to live in the White House.
Yes. He was the second US President, but the first US President to occupy the White House.
President Benjamin Harrison was the first president to use electricity in the white house. He was not fond of the convenience.
President James Monroe was the first to have a White House wedding for his daughter in 1820.
The first president to stay at the White House was John Q. Adams.
The first president to live in the White House was John Adams.=D =D =D
The first president to have a bird as one of his pets in the White House was William McKinley.
President Obama
The first President to live in the White House was John Adams
The first U.S. President to bow in the White House was John Adams who continued George Washington's tradition of greeting guests with a bow instead of a handshake. George Washington was the first President to greet people with a bow, but since he never lived in the White House, he was not the first President to do so in the White House.
George Washington was the first to have an animal in the white house. He had many stallions. But the first president to have an animal in the white house as a member of the family was James Monroe, who had one nameless Spaniel.