Increases in the presidential salary were made when a new President took office, so the president did not actually get a raise, he just got more than his predecessor.
I do not think any president actually got a raise while his was in office.
The first time the U.S. presidential salary went up was at the beginning of Ulysses S. Grant's second term (from $25,000/year to $50,000/year).
George Washington hesistated to take his salary at first, but became convinced that refusing salary would set a precedent that might discourage other less wealthy men from running for President.
the president salary is 400,000
The president's salary can not changed until after the current term expires. However, the salary for the next term can be changed by Congress which means a president can get a different salary for his second term. US Grant found his salary doubled for his second term
what is a salary of president of India
No. The president does not set anybody's salary. Congress does that.
The salary of the president can not be changed during his term. If he gets a raise, it would have to been when he starts a new term.
No, any raise in salary will be enforced during the next president's term.
There is no salary for the first lady.
George Washington hesistated to take his salary at first, but became convinced that refusing salary would set a precedent that might discourage other less wealthy men from running for President.
16.800 salary with a 5% raise? what was the salary for last years?
No, this is another of those internet myths, often spread by opponents of the president (but in this case, spread by a website that specializes in jokes and satire). The president's salary has been the same since it was raised during the first term of President Bush. No further raises or increases have taken place. The current presidential salary is $400,000, and Mr. Obama has done nothing to change it.
The President's salary is determined by Congress and is set by law. The Constitution prohibits the President from receiving any additional compensation beyond the fixed salary during their term in office to prevent potential conflicts of interest or undue influence. This restriction is in place to ensure the President's focus remains on serving the country rather than personal financial gain.
It can raise a paersons salary by over 8% - 20%
The salary for the President was first set at $25,000 per year. The figure stayed in effect until 1869 when it doubled to $50,000.