The Republican Party did not exist in 1848. It was begun 1854 and nominated its first Presidential candidate in 1856. He was John C. Fremont.
John Fremont was noted as an explorer before running for president in 1856.
Abraham Lincoln was the first president from the Republican party.
The Republican Party as a whole, were against slavery. President Lincoln was a Republican. The Republican party was is the party of the republic, (a republic is the form of government the founders and framers designed), which is the United States. The party was created to give American's that believed in the Constitution a party to stand with. The Constitution is against slavery and so is the republic. The republican party was the first to have an African American and former Slave, Fredrick Douglass, as a vice presidential candidate.
A convention is a meeting where the political party names its candidate for presidential election. Running parties hold this convention.
Democratic Party candidate Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election defeating Republican Party candidate John McCain. In the 2008 presidential election Barack Obama received 365 electoral votes and John McCain received 173 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Obama 69,297,997 and McCain 59,597,520.
Republican Party. He was the first Republican to be elected to office.
Democratic Party candidate James Buchanan won the 1856 presidential election defeating Republican Party candidate John Freemont.
The first Republican Party Presidential Nominee was John C. Frémont of California, who lost to Democrat James Buchanan in 1856.
The first Republican president was Lincoln, but he didn't travel the Oregon trail.
Republican Party candidate John Fremont won 11 northern states in the 1856 presidential election.
Republican party candidate nominated for for presidency
The Republican presidential candidate did poorly in the 1856 US presidential elections. John Fremont, the candidate was too radical for most Americans. Also, the party was simply too new to have an impact.
The modern republican party was formed for the 1860 election. Abraham Lincoln was their first presidential candidate. Their main platform was to stop the expansion of slavery to 'The West'
Democratic Party candidate James Buchanan won the 1856 presidential election defeating Republican Party candidate John Freemont and American Party candidate Millard Fillmore.
Democratic Party candidate James Buchanan won the 1856 presidential election defeating Republican Party candidate John Freemont and American Party candidate Millard Fillmore.
The antislavery political party that ran John C. Fremont in the 1856 presidential election was the Republican Party. This was their first presidential candidate, as they had formed in opposition to the expansion of slavery into the western territories. Fremont's campaign platform focused on limiting the expansion of slavery and promoting free labor.
The first successful third party candidate in the United States was Abraham Lincoln, who ran as a Republican in the 1860 presidential election and won. His victory marked a significant shift in American politics as it was the first time a third party candidate had won the presidency.