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It was James Monroe.

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Q: Who was the last president from the Revolutionary War era?
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Which president was the last president of the revolutionary era?

The last President who served during the American Revolution was Andrew Jackson. He joined the Continental Army when he was 13 years old.

Which ideals didnot come out of the revolutionary war era?

Religious intolerance.

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The American Revolutionary War by john overbay

What were James Monroe pet name?

Apparently nobody tagged him with a catchy nickname. "The Era of Good Feeling President" has been suggested but that seems more like a description than a nickname. Also, "The Last Cocked Hat" in reference to his service in the Revolutionary War.

What was happening during the time era of the Revolutionary War?

Nathan hale was being hung

Who was the king of british during the revolutionary war era?

King George the 3rd

What did george have to do with the french and indan war?

he was the president during that era

What menacing animal appeared on Revolutionary War era flags under the solgan Dont Tread On you?

A rattlesnake.

What menacing animal appeared on Revolutionary War era flag under the slogan Don't Tread On Me?


What are words that start with ex that revolve around the revolutionary war?

Some words that start with "ex" and relate to the Revolutionary War are "execution," "expedition," and "exile." These words could be associated with key events and actions of the Revolutionary War era.