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Patrick Henry


While Patrick Henry was a well known radical (from my home county) he DID have a lot of company- Jefferson, Washington, Madison, and Mason were also well known.

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Q: Who was the leading radical patriot leader from Virginia?
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Who was the leading radical Patriot leader of Virginia?

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Which patriot militia leader convinced many native Americans to abandon their British allies leading to the recovery of the fort at vincennes?

George Rogers Clark

How Was George Washington A Patriot?

George Washington became a patriot after he join the Virginia military during the French and Indian War, and he became A leader of the army. He was chosen to be the Commander of the Continental Army when the thirteen colonies decided to fight the British. In 1789 George Washington became a President of the United States of America(a wonderful patriot).

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Which patriot militia leader convinced many native Americans abandon their British allies leading to the recovery of the fort at Vincennes Indiana?

George Rogers Clark

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George Rogers Clark

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