While Patrick Henry was a well known radical (from my home county) he DID have a lot of company- Jefferson, Washington, Madison, and Mason were also well known.
George Washington became a patriot after he join the Virginia military during the French and Indian War, and he became A leader of the army. He was chosen to be the Commander of the Continental Army when the thirteen colonies decided to fight the British. In 1789 George Washington became a President of the United States of America(a wonderful patriot).
Benjamin Franklin
Patrick Henry was a big speaker for independence in Virginia in the 1770's. His best remembered speech was the "Give me liberty or give me death" speech. After the revolution, he was leader of the anti-federalists in Virginia, opposing the Constitution out of fear that it endangered the rights of the States and freedom of the individuals.
Henry H. Garnet
Henry H. Garnet
George Washington Patrick Henry, known for the famous speech "Give me Liberty or give me death"
Thomas Jefferson
yes he was a radical leader
George Rogers Clark
john crinton
George Rogers Clark
George Washington became a patriot after he join the Virginia military during the French and Indian War, and he became A leader of the army. He was chosen to be the Commander of the Continental Army when the thirteen colonies decided to fight the British. In 1789 George Washington became a President of the United States of America(a wonderful patriot).
George Rogers Clark
George Rogers Clark
George Rogers Clark
Martha Washington was a patriot. As the wife of George Washington, the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, Martha actively supported the American cause for independence. She played a significant role in boosting morale among the troops and providing aid to the soldiers. Martha Washington's actions and support for the American Revolution firmly place her in the category of a patriot.
John Adams was an active patriot. He was a leader in the revolutionary movement and signed the Declaration of Independence.