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Q: Who was the louisiana senator who opposed the New Deal?
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What were the results of the New Deal?

it is a result of a new deal

What was Jonathan Dayton's view of slavery?

Jonathan Dayton argued that the terms of the Louisiana Purchase obliged the United States to respect the rights of the territorial inhabitants including their right to own slaves.three on both votes, with New Jersey Senator Jonathan Dayton voting with John QuincyAdams and Timothy Pickering against restricting slavery in the Louisianasthree on both votes, with New Jersey Senator Jonathan Dayton voting with John QuincyAdams and Timothy Pickering against restricting slavery in the Louisianasthree on both votes, with New Jersey Senator Jonathan Dayton voting with John QuincyAdams and Timothy Pickering against restricting slavery in the Louisianasthree on both votes, with New Jersey Senator Jonathan Dayton voting with John QuincyAdams and Timothy Pickering against restricting slavery in the LouisianasIn 1793 he voted for the fugitive slave law.

Why might critics of the first New Deal have favored the second New Deal?

Critics of the first New Deal favored the Second New Deal because the policies were made to give more long term reform programs to the recovering nations. There were some critics of the Second New Deal who felt this was a step toward Socialism.

What describes the fair deal?

There was already a square deal and a new deal. so Harry Truman came up with "fair deal" as a title for his proposed program. It was only a name for Truman's idea of what was needed . In actuality, a fair deal is an agreement that benefits parties in proportion to what they gave up.

An alcoholic senator from wisconsin that helped to create a new red scare?


Related questions

Which popular but controversial senator of Louisiana was a critic of the New Deal?

Huey Long

Why did the supreme court opposed the new deal?

The supreme court opposed the New Deal, because there were nine members in total, and seven were Republicans. The Republicans did not agree with President Roosevelt's New Deal laws.

Who was the new york senator who opposed any expansion of slavery?

Rufus King

Who opposed the New Deal policies?

While the New Deal programs were generally popular with the majority of Americans, most of the Republicans in congress opposed them. Some of their opposition was political-- President Roosevelt was a Democrat, and traditionally, politicians oppose many of the policies of the opposing party. Many of the Republicans who opposed the New Deal believed it was too expensive to implement, and that it would result in an expansion of government.

The liberty league was an organization of wealthy men who opposed the new deal?

That statement is true :p

Why was Governor Talmadge opposed of the new deal?

Because he blocked New Deal programs from taking effect in Georgia.

Why was the New Deal attacked by the Republicans?

They opposed the New Deal because of the huge costs that were needed for the New Deal, the tax payers had to pay a lot more, and the disappearance of Laissez Faire.

Who opposed the new deal and used the national guard and martial law against strikers?

genral hoover

What criticisms did critics on both the right and the left level at the New Deal?

There are multiple reasons politicians protested the 'New Deal'. From the Left, politicians argued that the 'New Deal' did not do enough redistribution of wealth. From the Right, politicians opposed more government welfare programs.

What initially supported the New Deal but later became a harsh critic of Roosevelet and the New Deal-Ku Klux Klan Charles Coughlin the American Communist Party or Sen. Huey Long?

Senator Huey Long.

What does Russell Long have to do with the New Orleans Saints?

He was the junior U.S. senator from Louisiana and a powerful member of the state's congressional delegation that successfully lobbied for a National Football League team in New Orleans.

The second senator of New York was?

I know 1 senator New York is Senator Charles J Fuschillo