Teachers? I'm not sure I understand your question.
They did not want students to learn the theory of evolution in school.
Yes, Darwin's theory of evolution is typically taught in schools as part of the science curriculum. It is an important concept in biology and is widely accepted in the scientific community as the basis for understanding the diversity of life on Earth.
Evolution should be taught in schools because it is a well-established scientific theory supported by a vast amount of evidence. Understanding evolution is essential for students to grasp the principles of biology and to critically evaluate scientific knowledge. Teaching evolution does not imply denying or negating any individual's beliefs or religious views.
John Scopes was a school teacher in Tennessee that illegally taught the theory of evolution in a public school. He was arrested, tried and convicted.
"As long as algebra is taught in school, there will be prayer in school" - Cokie Roberts "Since the mathematicians have invaded the theory of relativity, I do not understand it myself anymore." - Albert Einstein
In theory, school time from Monday to Friday. Owing to drastic competition many students have extra classes on Saturday. It seems the government has taken measure to lighten students burden, but it cant control the situtation.
Creationism is not taught in Ohio public schools as part of the science curriculum. It may be taught in a cultural or sociological classroom setting, depending on the teacher or school. Only evolution is taught as a scientific theory for the origin of life in biology/science classes.
Creationism can and should be taught in a sociology classroom setting, but not in a science classroom like some people want it to be. The reason for this is that creationism is not a scientific theory or even principle, it's part of cultural mythology.
Charles DArwin
Since you didn't provide the choices you were given your answer will be a general one. In 1980's when the book came out it began the theory that education needed to be seen as a business and that students needed to be educated for the future of business. The problem with this theory is that not all students learn the same, teaching is an objective profession, and testing really doesn't prove students know what is taught, but can test well. The book changed the focus of education and this resulted in the movement of school reform. The basic problem with school reform is that it is dependent on where a person lives. There is no consensus or consistency concerning reform and there is a need for a national policy instead of the random laws that are passed by each state.