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Ronald Reagen

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Q: Who was the only President who served as President of a Union?
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Who was the only president to ever lead a union?

Ronald Reagan served as president of an Actor's Guild which was a form of union.

What president served as president of a union?

Ronald Reagan served the president of the Screen Actors' Guild (SAG) which is a kind of union.

What person led a union then later served two terms as president?

Reagan was the president of what was essentially the actor's union and went on to be a two-term president.

Who was the only vice president to become president that did not succeed the president he served under?

Richard Nixon was the only vice president to become president that did not succeed the president he served under.

Who is the president of the American Civil Liberties Union?

Susan Herman is President of the American Civil Liberties Union. Herman has served as President of the ACLU since October 2008.

What states were admitted to the union when Millard Fillmore was president?

Millard Fillmore served as President of the United States July 9, 1850 - March 4, 1853. California is the only state admitted into the union while Millard Fillmore was President. California was admitted into the Union on September 9, 1850 becoming the 31st state to join the Union.

What individual served as the president of the Confederacy?

Jefferson Davis was the president of the Confederacy. He was no stranger to high levels of public office as he served the Union once as the Secretary of War.

Which president defeated a president who served only a partial term and he served only one term himself?

Jimmy Carter fits that description.

Who was the president that served as commander of the union armies during the civil war?

Abraham Lincoln

If Hitler was called Fuhrer what was Stalin referred to as?

Stalin served as the President of the Politburo of the Soviet Union.

Who was president who served only in the 1820s?

John Quincy Adams Served In the 1820's

Who was the only vice president to become president with out following the president for whom he served as vice president?

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