Before the Twelfth Amendment (, there were no official running mates as the president was the person what the most votes and the VP was the runner up.
Over a dozen people ran for the office before 1804, although Jefferson, running in 1800, had an informal running mate in Burr.
Gerald Ford was never elected by the popular vote. when the Ford-Carter debates were held- the Ford ads merely shouted ( not the automobile ones) President Ford! as they could not intone ( The People"s Choice)- in a sense Carter was a shoe-in, as Ford was not elected by the people- so in a sense Carter ran unopposed also! it was a tough call in the early Post-Watergate era, but, all things considered- the Republic survived.
Gerald R. Ford was never elected to the office of Vice-President or President of the United States by the Electoral College. He was appointed Vice-President on December 6, 1973, when Vice-President Spiro T. Agnew resigned. He later became the President of the U.S. on August 9, 1974, when President Richard M. Nixon resigned. He ran for President for the first time in 1976, but he was defeated by Jimmy Carter.
The U.S. Presidents who never won a U.S. presidential election were...
Gerald Ford
Harding was a US Senator from Ohio and the Lieutenant Governor of Ohio before he was elected President.
There is no "tenure." They are elected on "terms." Each elected term is 4 years with no more than 8 years for one president. In other words, every 4 years, we have an election for president. They can become and remain (if re-elected) president for a total of 8 years.
President Ford was the only U.S. president never to have been elected president or vice president. Here are more answers from WikiAnswers contributors: * == == * Gerald Ford was the only person to serve as President but not run for election as either President or Vice President. He was appointed VP under Richard Nixon when the elected VP, Spiro Agnew, resigned due to legal problems. Then, Nixon resigned leaving Ford to become President.
Eugene V. Debs ran on the Socialist Party of America ticket five times and never won.
Gerald Ford
Gerald Ford
John Tyler was the first vice president to become President without being elected as President. He took over for William Henry Harrison, who was the first President to die in office in 1840.
President Gerald Ford will be remembered for pardoning Nixon. His legacy also includes being the only person to become both the Vice President and President without being elected.
by being elected
Millard Fillmore aquired presidency without being elected
Richard Nixon is the individual who ran for president twice unsuccessfully before eventually being elected. He first ran in the 1960 presidential election and lost to John F. Kennedy. He then ran again in 1968 and won, becoming the 37th President of the United States. However, Spiro Agnew, Nixon's vice president, became the second man to become president without being elected when Nixon resigned in 1974 due to the Watergate scandal.
Gerald Ford took over office without being elected. Hope you liked? Ciao~
Gerald R. Ford
The answer is John Tyler following the death of William Harrison
Gerald Ford