13 years ago from 2010. The 42nd President of the United States was Bill Clinton from January 20, 1993 to January 20, 2001
There was no US President 350 years ago (1663). The United States of America was formed in 1776.
Fulgencio Batista was elected president of Cuba 74 years ago(in 1940), and his presidency ended 4 years later(70 years ago) in 1944.
44 Years ago today (2010) The 38th President of the United States was Gerald Ford from August 9, 1974 to January 20, 1977
Lincoln, Abraham1861-1865
12 years ag from 2010. The 42nd President of the United States was Bill Clinton January 20, 1993 January 20, 2001
A 100 years ago would be 1913 and it was Wilson.
A 100 years ago would be 1913 and it was Wilson.
13 decades and 8 years ago, Victoria Woodhull ran for President in 1872. And again in 1892.
1998 considering the year is now 2011.
William Jefferson Clinton was president of the United States of America 20 years ago. Clinton was president from 1993 to January 2001.
There was no US President 350 years ago (1663). The United States of America was formed in 1776.
Fred Flintstone was President of Bedrock 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years ago. Barney Rubble was the Vice President. President Flintstone beat out Mr. Slate of the Republicsaurus party.
George Bush , he was president 2 times that makes 10 years as president now barrack obama is in.
Fulgencio Batista was elected president of Cuba 74 years ago(in 1940), and his presidency ended 4 years later(70 years ago) in 1944.
The president 73 years ago was Franklin Roosevelt in 1937
Woodrow Wilson was the US President in 1916.
Thedore Rosevelte