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This depends on the country/organization. See related questions.

US: Grover Cleveland

Grover Cleveland was the 22nd President of the United States from 1885 March 4 to 1889 March 4 and the 24th President of the United States from 1893 March 4 to 1897 March 4. Despite winning the popular vote in the 1888 election, he would ultimately lose the presidency, only to regain it in the 1892 re-election.

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In 1894, the President of the United States was Grover Cleveland.

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The 24th President of the United States was Grover Cleveland from March 4, 1893 to March 4, 1897

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What president was the first one they began protecting part time in 1894?

Grover Cleveland was the President in 1894 when the Secret Service began to provide some protection.

Who was vice president of the US in 1894?

Adlai Stevenson was the Vice President of the United States from 1893-1897.

Which president used federal troops to stop the pullman strike of 1894?

Grover Cleveland was the president during the Pullman strike.

Who was the president when the bascule bridge was lifted?

The UK doesn't have a president. Queen Victoria was on the throne when Tower Bridge first opened in 1894.

When was Labor Day declared a national holiday?

Labor Day was set as the first Monday of September by the Federal Government in 1894. Prior to that it was celebrated in 30 states. The first state was Oregon, which declared it a holiday in 1887.

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The Republicans

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Alfred Web in 1894 at Madras congress.

Which was the first labor strike to end with the president intervening on behalf of the worker?

Pullman Strike (1894)

A major event in the world while Grover Cleveland was president?

In 1894, Marconi invented the "wireless telegraph"

Who declared Labor Day a holiday?

President Grover Cleveland declared Labor Day a national holiday in 1894.

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The president (during the Pullman Strike) of the ARU was Eugene V. Debs; not to be confused with Grover Cleveland: the president of the United States at the time.

What president signed the bill making Labor Day a holiday?

President Grover Cleveland signed into law the bill that made Labor Day an official national holiday in 1894.