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The Lecompton Constitution was one of several state constitutions proposed to the US Congress for approval by the territory of Kansas, as it sought to become a US state. President James Buchanan, although he was not the president at the time, was a supporter of the Lecompton Constitution, which would have preserved slave-owner rights in the new state. Kansas was admitted as a free state in 1861, due to the opposition of abolitionists living their at the time.

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Q: Who was the president who endorsed the Lecompton Constitution?
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Why did President Buchanan support the lecompton constitution?

James Buchanan supported the Lecompton Constitution because he was a supporter of the rights of slaveholders. Buchanan served as the 15th U.S. President.

Who served as President during the Lecompton Constitution?

James Buchanan

Why did Buchanan support the lecompton constitution?

James Buchanan supported the Lecompton Constitution because he was a supporter of the rights of slaveholders. Buchanan served as the 15th U.S. President.

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the Morill Tariff Its actually the Lecompton Constitution. I answered this and got the right answer for the assignment. :)

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Quantrill is referring to an election on the Lecompton Constitution. The Lecompton Constitution was the second of four proposed constitutions for the state of Kansas.

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The address of the Constitution Hall is: 319 Elmore St, Lecompton, KS 66050

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Who wrote the Lecompton Constitution?

James Buchanan

The lecompton constitution was submitted in which state?


Why was the Lecompton Constitution considered a sly maneuver?

The Lecompton Constitution included provisions for allowing slavery in Kansas even if the people voted against slavery.

What did the lecompton constitution do?

The Lecompton Constitution was a proposed constitution for the state of Kansas written in response to the anti-slavery position of the 1855 Topeka Constitution. This enshrined slavery, protected the rights of slaveholders and allowed voters the choice of allowing more slaves to enter the territory.

What is the lecompton compromise?

The pro-slavery Lecompton Constitution was formulated (Sept., 1857) there, and was ratified (Dec., 1857) after an election in which voters were given a choice only between limited or unlimited slavery; free state men refused to cast their ballots. President James Buchanan urged Congress to admit Kansas as a slave state under the Lecompton Constitution, but Stephen A. Douglas and his followers broke with the pro-slavery Democrats, and the bill could not pass the House. At a subsequent election (Aug., 1858), Kansas voters decisively rejected the Lecompton Constitution. Kansas was later (1861) admitted as a free stat