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James Madison. His extensive notes tell us about the Convention's proceedings. This is especially helpful as many of the key delegates died before the 30 year secrecy-pact expired, so we didn't get to hear what they had to say.

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Q: Who was the recorder of the constitution convention proceedings?
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What state did not vote at the constitutional convention?

Rhode Island didn't vote at the Constitutional Convention; they boycotted the proceedings entirely and were the last to ratify the Constitution.

Why were the proceedings of the Constitutional Convention kept secret?

The reason why the framers kept the proceedings of the Philadelphia convention a secret is because they feared that if people knew about their arguments they would not except the new constitution. Also if people new about their discussions they would not feel as free to discuss their ideas.

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To keep their proceedings secret so that the new constitution could be a surprise

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So the public couldn't put a stop to their plan to create a new constitution

Why did convention delegates decide to keep proceedings secret?

So the public couldn't put a stop to their plan to create a new constitution

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No, i doubt it. In fact I don't think that the constitution could be agreed to. Congress can't seem to agree on anything today.

Could the proceedings of the constitution convention be kept secret today?

No, i doubt it. In fact I don't think that the constitution could be agreed to. Congress can't seem to agree on anything today.

What two things caused James Madison to be called the father of your Constitution?

He wrote much of it, then he campaigned to get it ratified. He also kept careful notes on the proceedings of the convention which were held in private. The notes are the best record made of the convention.

How much access did the public have to the proceedings of the Constitution of convention?

The new republic based on the proceedings of the Constitutional Convention was conceived in secrecy. The Convention was closed to the press and the regular citizens. Benjamin Franklin observed that during the deliberations he, like the others may have expressed doubt but to quote Franklin he said " Within these walls they were born and here they shall die." On member, Rufus King wondered whether the journals of the Convention should be destroyed as a measure to avoid opponents of the Constitution to use them against the republic in the future.It would take about one hundred years before the contents of the Convention were fully disclosed.

Who was the recorder of the Constitutional Convention?

James Madison

What did the delgates agree to at the Constitutional Convention?

Other than the obvious - the Constitution itself - they all agree that none would divulge the details of the proceedings as long as any of them were still alive. James Madison's notes on the Convention were not published until around 1840.

What happened at the Constitutional Convention?

Delegates wrote the United States Constitution (APEX)