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Democratic Party Presidential Nominees and Their Running Mates
1828 - Andrew Jackson & John C. Calhoun (won)

1832 - Andrew Jackson & Martin Van Buren (won)

1836 - Martin Van Buren & Richard M. Johnson (won)

1840 - Martin Van Buren (lost)

1844 - James K. Polk & George M. Dallas (won)

1848 - Lewis Cass & William O. Butler (lost)

1852 - Franklin Pierce & William R. King (won)

1856 - James Buchanan & John C. Breckinridge (won)

1860 - Stephen A. Douglas & Herschel V. Johnson (north) and John C. Breckinridge & Joseph Lane (south) (both lost)

1864 - George B. McClellan & George H. Pendleton (lost)

1868 - Horatio Seymour & Francis P. Blair (lost)

1872 - Horace Greeley & B. Gratz Brown (lost)

1876 - Samuel J. Tilden & Thomas A. Hendricks (lost)

1880 - Winfield Scott Hancock & William H. English (lost)

1884 - Grover Cleveland & Thomas A. Hendricks (won)

1888 - Grover Cleveland & Allen G. Thurman (lost)

1892 - Grover Cleveland & Adlai E. Stevenson I (won)

1896 - William Jennings Bryan & Arthur Sewall (lost)

1900 - William Jennings Bryan & Adlai E. Stevenson I (lost)

1904 - Alton B. Parker & Henry G. Davis (lost)

1908 - William Jennings Bryan & John W. Kern (lost)

1912 - Woodrow Wilson & Thomas R. Marshall (won)

1916 - Woodrow Wilson & Thomas R. Marshall (won)

1920 - James M. Cox & Franklin D. Roosevelt (lost)

1924 - John W. Davis & Charles W. Bryan (lost)

1928 - Al Smith & Joseph T. Robinson (lost)

1932 - Franklin D. Roosevelt & John Nance Garner (won)

1936 - Franklin D. Roosevelt & John Nance Garner (won)

1940 - Franklin D. Roosevelt & Henry A. Wallace (won)

1944 - Franklin D. Roosevelt & Harry S Truman (won)

1948 - Harry S Truman & Alben W. Barkley (won)

1952 - Adlai E. Stevenson II & John Sparkman (lost)

1956 - Adlai E. Stevenson II & Estes Kefauver (lost)

1960 - John F. Kennedy & Lyndon B. Johnson (won)

1964 - Lyndon B. Johnson & Hubert H. Humphrey (won)

1968 - Hubert H. Humphrey & Edmund Muskie (lost)

1972 - George McGovern & Sargent Shriver (lost)

1976 - Jimmy Carter & Walter Mondale (won)

1980 - Jimmy Carter & Walter Mondale (lost)

1984 - Walter Mondale & Geraldine Ferraro (lost)

1988 - Michael Dukakis & Lloyd Bentsen (lost)

1992 - Bill Clinton & Al Gore (won)

1996 - Bill Clinton & Al Gore (won)

2000 - Al Gore & Joe Lieberman (lost)

2004 - John Kerry & John Edwards (lost)

2008 - Barack Obama & Joe Biden (won)

2012 - Barack Obama & Joe Biden (won)

2016 - Hillary Clinton & Tim Kaine (lost)

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