Chief Justice
Earl Warren....................(1953-1969)
Associate Justices
Hugo Black.....................(1937-1971)
Felix Frankfurter..............(1939-1962)
William O. Douglas..........(1939-1975)
Tom C. Clark...................(1949-1967)
John Marshall Harlan II.....(1955-1971)
William J. Brennan, Jr.....(1956-1990)
Charles Evans Whittaker...(1957-1962)
Potter Stewart.................(1958-1981)
The composition of the US Supreme Court changed dramatically during the 1930s, due to numerous retirements and President Roosevelt's determination to replace conservative justices with progressive justices. By 1941, all but one of the justices who had been on the Court in 1930 were gone, shifting the Supreme Court's general ideology from the right to left.
US Supreme Court Justices 1930s
Oliver Wendell Holmes...........1902 - 1932.........T. Roosevelt
Willis Van Devanter................1911 - 1937.........Taft
James McReynolds Clark.........1914 - 1941.........Wilson
Louis Brandeis.......................1916 - 1939.........Wilson
William H. Taft (CJ)................1921 - 1930.........Harding
George Sutherland.................1922 - 1938.........Harding
Pierce Butler..........................1923 - 1939.........Harding
Edward Terry Sanford.............1923 - 1930.........Harding
Harlan F. Stone (CJ)...............1925 - 1946.........Coolidge/F. Roosevelt
Charles Evans Hughes (CJ)......1930 - 1941.........Hoover
Owen Roberts........................1930 - 1945.........Hoover
Benjamin Cardozo..................1932 - 1938.........Hoover
Hugo Black............................1937 - 1971.........F. Roosevelt
Stanley F. Reed......................1938 - 1957.........F. Roosevelt
Felix Frankfurter.....................1939 - 1962.........F. Roosevelt
William O. Douglas.................1939 - 1975.........F. Roosevelt
The US Supreme Court has comprised nine members since Congress passed the Judiciary Act of 1869.
Chief Justice in 1930
Charles Evans Hughes
Associate Justices
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Willis Van DeVanter
James C. McReynolds
Louis Brandeis
George Sutherland
Pierce Butler
Edward T. Sandford
Harlan F. Stone
Nine Justices Nine Justices make up the current Supreme Court: one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices. There have been 103 Associate Justices in the Court's history.
supreme court
the court will accept a case if for of the nine Justices agree to do so
Yes, if Congress passes legislation enlarging the Supreme Court from nine to eleven members; otherwise, no.
Supreme Court Justices (there are nine of them)
Nine justices
Nine Justices Nine Justices make up the current Supreme Court: one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices. There have been 103 Associate Justices in the Court's history.
There are seven justices on some state supreme courts, but the Supreme Court of the United States seats nine justices.
Federal (US) Supreme Court judges are called "justices." The Supreme Court of the United States has one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices, for a total of nine justices. State supreme court vary in the number of judges seated on their highest appellate court, and are also inconsistent with titles. Some states call them "judges," while others refer to them as "justices."
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The Supreme Court of Canada is composed of nine Justices, a Chief Justice and eight Puisne Justices.
The US Supreme Court has nine justices, the Court's official term for its judges.
The Arizona Supreme Court is the state supreme court of the U.S. state of Arizona. It consists of a chief justice, a vice chief justice, and three associate justices.
Currently, there are nine Supreme Court justices on the United States Supreme Court. The number of justices is set by Congress and has varied from five to 10. There have been nine justices since 1869. In 1937, Franklin Roosevelt attempted to add six more justices to the Supreme Court. He felt the court was obstructing much of his New Deal policies and adding more members who would agree with his views would help. This was termed the "Court Packing Plan." However, Congress did not agree and so the number remains at nine.