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Q: Who wrote most of the declaration of independence and Virginia's 1786 statute of religious liberty?
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Life liberty and pursuit are from what document?

The Declaration of Independence

What are the important rights on the Declaration of Independence?

Among others, the natiral rights outlined in the Declaration of Independence are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

What the three parts of the declaration of independence?

The 3 parts of the Declaration of Independence is Liberty/Freedom, British wrongs, and Independence.

What are three part of the Declaration of Independence?

The 3 parts of the Declaration of Independence is Liberty/Freedom, British wrongs, and Independence.

What document are the words life liberty and the pursuit of happiness from?

The words are from the Declaration of Independence.

In the Declaration of Independence what are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness called?

The unalienable rights of the declaration of independence.

What documents include the phrase life Liberty the pursuit of happiness?

Declaration of Independence does.

What is core to the notion of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness in the Declaration of Independence?

is core to the notion of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" in the Declaration of Independence.

How many times does the word liberty appear in the declaration of independence?

The word 'liberty' appears once in the United States Declaration of Independence. The declaration was ratified on July 4, 1776.

What does the author say about the bulk of the content in the Declaration of Independence?

The bulk of the content in the Declaration of Independence were about liberty and freedom.

What does the author say about the bulk of content in the declaration of independence?

The bulk of the content in the Declaration of Independence were about liberty and freedom.

What does the author say about the bulk of the content of the declaration of independence?

The bulk of the content in the Declaration of Independence were about liberty and freedom.