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Thomas Hobbes

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Q: Who wrote that in a state of nature no government existed and life was cruel brutish and short and believed in the social contract theory?
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What man wrote this in a state of nature no government existed and life was cruel brutish and short?

Thomas Hobbes

Who believed that men wrre basically good and that they were born free before government existed?

John Locke believed that men were basically good and they were born free before government existed.

How did the people's thinking about their government change?

People believed that the government existed as the result of an agreement between the people and their leaders.

Who believed that men were basically good and that they were born free before government existed?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed that men were basically good and that they were born free before government existed. He argued that society and government corrupted individuals and restricted their natural freedom and goodness.

How did the enlightenment change peoples thinking about the government?

People believed that the government existed as the result of an agreement between the people and their leaders.

How do Hobbes Locke and Rousseau understand the state of nature and the social contract differently?

Hobbes believed the state of nature to be a state of war and chaos, where life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." He saw the social contract as necessary to establish a sovereign authority to maintain order. Locke viewed the state of nature more positively, as a state of natural rights and freedom, and believed the social contract existed to protect these rights. Rousseau saw the state of nature as peaceful and harmonious, with the social contract as a means to protect individual liberties while promoting the common good.

Who believed that men were basically good and and that they were born free before government existed?

john Locke.

How did people thinking about their governments changed their enlightenment?

People believed that the government existed as the result of an agreement between the people and their leaders.

How did peoples thinking about their governments change the enlightenment?

People believed that the government existed as the result of an agreement between the people and their leaders.

How did the people's thinking about their governments change during the enlightenment?

People believed that the government existed as the result of an agreement between the people and their leaders.

How did people's thinking about governments change during the Enlightenment?

People believed that the government existed as the result of an agreement between the people and their leaders.

Which political philosopher said the divine rights theory wsa invalid and that instead a social contract existed between the people and their government?

John Locke