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Alice Paul

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Q: Who wrote the first version of the equal rights amendment in 1923?
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Why equal rights amendment caused questions because?

The equal rights amendment caused questions as a result of states revoking their ratification rights. This amendment was finally ratified in 1992 which was more than 202 years after it was first introduced into Congress.

Who wrote the first ERA?

The first Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was written by suffragist Alice Paul in 1923. The ERA is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution that aims to guarantee equal rights under the law regardless of sex.

Which amendment is equal rights?

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is not currently part of the U.S. Constitution. It aimed to guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex and was first proposed in 1923. Despite passing Congress in 1972, it failed to be ratified by enough states to become a constitutional amendment.

When was the Equal Rights Amendment added to the Constitution?

The Equal Rights Amendment was first proposed by Alice Paul in 1923, when it was first introduced to Congress. Since then it has failed to gain momentum in the US Legislature, gaining the most probable chance of passing in 1972 before spending a decade in deliberation before its eventual failure in 1982.

Which was the first document to specifically propose equal rights for American women?

One of the first and hallmark documents codifying the equal rights of women was the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution. The 19th Amendment conferred upon women the right to suffrage - voting. A proposed "Equal Rights Amendment," has been written to further clarify and make concrete gender based protections before the law.

Which amendment in the bill of rights was included due to concerns about limits to citizens rights?

the first amendment.

Which amendment defends your religios rights?

There is no amendment that gives any "rights" to a religion, except that the freedom to pursue a religion shall not be infringed. You might be thinking of Amendment I, i.e. the first.

What amendment protects the rights of these people to take action?

First amendment

What Amendment rights did the Alien and Sedition Acts contradict?

first amendment

Do kids have first amendment rights?


What is protected by the first amendment?

Bill of rights

What were the Alien and Sedition Acts as viewed by Republicans?

an attack on the First Amendment rights of free speech