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Nicolaus Copernicus

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Q: Whose book was thought to have marked the beginning of the scientific revolution?
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Why was Copernicus discovery called the Copernicus revolution?

It represented a change in scientific thought

What battles marked the beginning of the Americans revolution?

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Which two battles marked the beginning of the revolution?

The battle of Lexington and Concord.

How did the scientific revolution change people worldview?

The scientific revolution led to a shift from relying solely on religious and philosophical beliefs to explaining the natural world through empirical observation and experimental evidence. This change in worldview marked the beginning of a more rational and evidence-based approach to understanding the universe.


These battles were important because it marked the beginning of the American Revolution

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It marked the beginning of the American Revolution.

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These battles were important because it marked the beginning of the American Revolution

What was important about the Copernican revolution?

it demonstrated that scientific understanding was always changing

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The French celebrate Bastille Day, the day which marked the beginning of the French Revolution in 1789 and therefore symbolically the beginning of France's existence as a Republic.

Did The Battles of Lexington and Concord marked the beginning of the American Revolution?

Yes. Pual Revere rode and told every one and that was the begining!

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The bulldozer revolution is associated with the region of Eastern Europe. It occurred in October and November 1989 in what is now Slovakia. The revolution marked the beginning of the end of communist rule in Eastern Europe.