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Q: Whose signature did not appear on the ratification of the US in 1787?
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Why is 1787 important and why should you remember it?

The US Constitutional Convention drafted the Constitution in 1787 and submitted it to the States for ratification.

This series of articles was written in 1787 urging Americans to oppose the ratification of the proposed US Constitution?

anti-federalists wrote the articles in 1787

This series of articles was written in 1787 urging Americans to oppose the ratification of the proposed US Constitution.?

anti-federalists wrote the articles in 1787

What year did George Washington sign the Constitution?

1787 and it was the ratification of the Constitution not the Constitution itself.

The federalist papers were published in 1787 and 1788 to help gain support for?

The ratification of Constitution.

Approximately how long did the debate over the ratification of the US constitution last?

The debate over the ratification of the US Constitution lasted from 1787 to 1788, spanning approximately one year.

Where did the debate over the ratification of the new constitution take place?

It toke place in Philadelphia in 1787.

Anti Federalist is those person who opposed the ratification of the constitution in 1787 to 1788 True Or False?


Who kept extensive notes at the convention and devised the method of ratification?

The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was held in Philadelphia, PA. Wilson and Rutledge kept extensive notes at the convention and devised the method of ratification.

Why did they write the federalist?

The purpose of the Federalist Papers was to advocate for the ratification of the US Constitution. The Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787.

Where was was the Constitution signed?

The Constitution was signed at Independence Hall on September 17, 1787. But the signatures that are even more important are those given by the states as it was being considered for ratification.