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Burr believed that Hamilton was the sole detriment to the rise of his political career, namely. Hamilton had intervened, for Jefferson, in the nasty election of 1800, and had also intervened in the race for the governor of New York later. Both times, Hamilton had ruined Burr's chances. This animosity led Burr to kill Hamilton in 1804.

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Hamilton and Burr were political rivals. Hamilton, a Federalist, used his political influence to convince The House to break the tie breaker for President by picking Jefferson over Burr, a Republican.

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Q: Why did Hamilton and Burr fight?
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Who did Alexander Hamilton fight?


Why did Alexander Hamilton fight arron burr?

Burr was veary angry at Hamilton. Burr was a Democratic/Republican and Hamilton was a Federalist. This meant they already had many differences. Also, Hamilton was saying bad things about Burr, illegally, and it was posted in the news paper. This caused a duel between them both.

Why did Alexander fight arron burr?

Burr was veary angry at Hamilton. Burr was a Democratic/Republican and Hamilton was a Federalist. This meant they already had many differences. Also, Hamilton was saying bad things about Burr, illegally, and it was posted in the news paper. This caused a duel between them both.

What two people in 1800s challenged each other in a gun fight?

Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton. Burr won.

Who did Alexander Hamilton fight aganist?

If your mean the duel he died in it was Aaron Burr.

Who shot Aaron burr?

No one. Burr and Hamilton had a duel where Burr shot and mortally wounded Hamilton.

Why did alexander fight aaron burr?

They were long-time political rivals. Eventually is boiled over after Hamilton insulted Burr publically.

Why did hamliton and burr fight?

Becuase it was a duel. Burr killed Hamilton and ran away so as not to be arrested. It was because of the New York governorship.

Who won the duel hamilton or burr?


Who won duel burr or hamilton?


Why did Hamilton support Jefferson over Burr in the deadlock vote?

Hamilton and Burr didn't get along and had different views on government.. Burr will kill Hamilton in a duel.

Hamilton and burr duel?

Yes, Burr the current vice president and Hamilton, author of the Federalist Papers had a duel on July 11, 1804. Hamilton did not fire his pistol. Burr fired his, killing Hamilton.