Nathan hale was caught stealing important british troop adavncements for the American army. the british commander-in-chief, general howe, ordered him to be hung the next morning without a trial. his last words were "i regret that i have but 1 life to lose gor my country"
Nathan Hale was a soilder of the American revolution
Nathan Hale had 11 brothers and sisters, of which we know only his brother Enoch.
It is estimated that Nathan Hale weighed approximately 150 pounds. Hale was born on June 6, 1755 in the Coventry, Connecticut Colony.
Nathan Hale was hung because he was a spy for the patriots and was out of uniform on the British side and was claimed as a spy. He was hung in manhattan.
Unlikely. Alan Hale McKahan, Jr was the birthname of the latter.
Nathan Hale - journalist - died in 1863.
Nathan W. Hale died in 1941.
Nathan Hale died in Long island He was a great man
Nathan Hale - colonel - died on 1780-09-23.
Nathan Hale did. "I regret that I have but one life to give for my country" were his dying words.
He was 21 when he died.
Nathan hale was on the patriots side.
Nathan Hale was 21 years old when he was executed by the British. His parents were almost certainly alive.