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The correct quote is: "First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen". He was a most beloved leader.

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because he lead our country to freedom gave all 13 colonies independence from Britain

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Q: Why did george Washington's general call him the first war and first peace?
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What general spoke at george washingtons funeral?

General Henry "Lighthorse Harry" Lee, Revolutionary comrade of Washington's as well as former governor of Virginia. In his eulogy Lee coined the popular phrase "First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen," in reference to Washington.

Famous saying about George Washington written by Robert E Lee's father?

"first in war, first in peace", and first in the hearts of his countrymen ... 1799 by Major- General Henry Lee

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General George Armstrong Custer

Who was First in peace first in the hearts of his countrymen?

George washington was the one who got this saying.

Who was first in wars first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen?

George Washington.

Who was the first in war in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen?

George Washington.

What president was First in war first in peace first in the hearts of his countrymen?

George Washington

How was George Washington first in peace?

Although Washington was the commanding and victorious general in the Revolutionary, he served as a leader in the continental congress before the war began, chaired the constitutional convention after the war and served two terms as the first President of the United States and it was a time of peace.

What president was first in war first in peace first inthe heart of his countrymen?

George Washington

Three things George Washington is said to have been first in?

George Washington was said to have been "First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen."

Which was passed first the general election law or the peace preservation law?

Peace Preservation Law was passed before the General Election Law.

Who was First in war first in peace and first in the heart of his countrymen?

George Washington, the first President of the US.This phrase was written by Major General Henry Lee III (Light Horse Harry Lee, father of Robert E. Lee) as part of the Congressional eulogy to Washington on December 26, 1799.