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In my view, the industrialists feared that coinage of silver would increase the money supply and thereby lower interest rates to the benefit of the debtors, such as farmers, and the detriment of the creditors, such as the industrialists.

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Q: Why did industrialists oppose the increased coinage of silver during the nineteenth century?
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Why did the industrialists oppose the increased coinage of silver during the nineteenth century?

In my view, the industrialists feared that coinage of silver would increase the money supply and thereby lower interest rates to the benefit of the debtors, such as farmers, and the detriment of the creditors, such as the industrialists.

Why did industrialists oppose the increase coinage of silver during the nineteenth century?

In my view, the industrialists feared that coinage of silver would increase the money supply and thereby lower interest rates to the benefit of the debtors, such as farmers, and the detriment of the creditors, such as the industrialists.

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What a ancient Greece coin is called?

They started to use coinage in the later 7th Century BCE.

Which president put Lincoln on the penny?

Theodore Roosevelt. He was the force behind changing US coinage at the turn of the century.

What is the value of 15 century English silver coinage?

There are far too many coins to list here. Go to your local library and look for a Coins of England coin catalogue. Henry IV - 1399-1413 - Two issues of coinage Henry V - 1413-1422 - One issue of coinage Henry VI - 1422-1461 - Twelve issues of coinage Edward IV - 1461-1470 - Two issues of coinage Henry VI (restored) - 1470-1471 - One issue of coinage Edward IV (second reign) - 1471-1483 - One issue of coinage Edward V - 1483 - One issue of coinage Richard III - 1483-1485 - One issue of coinage Henry VII - 1485-1509 - Two issues of coinage

What is a sentence for the word coinage?

The mint will produce a new coinage of silver dollars this year.

Coinage act called for?

The Coinage Act of established the United States coinage system. It was also commonly known as the Mint Act.

What rhymes with coinage?

The following words rhyme with coinage - forage storage linage package

How much is the first set of decimal coinage worth?

The answer will depend on which country's coinage the question is about.

What is the lightest coinage metal?

Alluminum is probably the lightest of coinage metals used to-date.

What does d stand for in coinage?

In us coinage the d is a mint mark of the Denver Colorado mint.