the rajas of mahajanpadas built forts to be safe from attacks and to show how rich they are
Check the Internet then you'll find out what forts were built out of.
Forts were used to keep control on territory. Forts were termed as boudaries of empires which should be strong. Enemy should be stopped at the entrance itself by coming into the territory. Hence Chhatrapati Shivaji built lot of forts on Sahyadri as well as in Arabian sea.
Many different people from many different cultures. Select a search engine, type in hill forts, and hit enter.
Pontiac captured three important forts in the west frontier from the British. He was the Ottawa chief of Native Americans.
George Rogers Clark helped the Patriot cause by seizing British forts on the southwestern frontier.
For protection,
They built a chain of forts.
To live in
Macroni was
they built forts
What they did was, build a line a forts
he build forts
he was an engineer and he helped build forts and other defenses
to protect themselves from the Indians
forts 21