Some had been born in the United States and considered it to be their home.
My great grandfather and family were on the docks at Savanah, Ga in 1873 with the intention of returning to Africa, but my great grandmother and the children, including my grandmother, were being told by white planters trying to hold on to workers tha they would be killed and eaten by cannibals. My grandmother reported they were all crying and begging my great grandfather not to make them go; he finally relented but instead of staying in Ga, they wagon trained out West. Most african american by this time had no knowledge or connection to Africa, because the African slave trade was technically over in early 1800s; however in my great grandfathers case he was illegally brought to this country as an 11 year old in 1845, and he had actual knowledge of Africa. I often wonder what my life would have been like.
They did because they didn't want to leave their homeland of the United States just to go to Liberia.
because they didn't do no work
They wanted a glizzy
Opposition to legalized abortion caused many conservatives to oppose the ERA.
One reason that some Americans opposed the annexation of Texas was that they didn't want to go war with Mexico. Another reason was that it would change the balance between states that had slavery and those that didn't.
I dont freaking know, you tell me dude !
It's a difficult question. When it was going on, African Americans were enslaved.
Radical white southerners did everything in their power to oppose rights for African Americans. Namely, the white southerners would African Americans to take tests and pay outrageous fees in order to vote.
Marcus Garvey opposed integration. Instead he supported a "back-to-africa" movement, urging African Americans to establish their own country in Aferica.
because they didn't do no work
you go look at it on the website
Some had been born in the United States and considered it home.
KKK, Ku Klux Klan opposed African-Americans, Jews, Catholics, and Immigrants.
Some had been born in the United States and considered it home.
Some of the reasons for the founding of the NAACP were:The desire to oppose racismAfrican Americans' desire for more opportunitiesJim Crow lawsSegregation laws
A pacifico is a peaceful native in Cuba or the Philippines who did not oppose Spanish colonization.
KKK, Ku Klux Klan opposed African-Americans, Jews, Catholics, and Immigrants.