There were differing views between the founding fathers on the strength of the national government when writing the Constitution. The first political parties in the US were the Federalist and the Democratic-Republicans(jeffersonians). The federalist favored a strong centralized government, much like that of in England. While the Federalist favored states-rights and disliked the government of England.
As a general, George Washington was a hero in the American Revolutionary War. He is an acclaimed person in much of the early history of America. He served two terms as the US's first president. One piece of advice he had for America was to steer clear of European alliances.
Many interest groups and political parties form as a branch or a previous organisation, but members mainly join for a purpose or goal, a common belief, for solidarity and positive incentives.
I believe that political parties and special interest groups formed mainly to group like-ideas together and give a voice to lesser known platforms.
differences that arose over political and economic issues
They make people believe that they have done a lot to public without doing anything.
after the ratification of the Constitution
The form of government with no political parties or elections is autocracy. The supreme power is in the hands of each individual.
No. A Democracy or a Republic is not affected by political parties (even though the names do sound similar to the main political parties in America). Anyway, America has a Republic form of government, which means that people elect government officials, such as Senators, to vote on issues. Being a Democrat or a Republican would not affect this.
with the rise of the Constitution there came along those who were for it, federalists, and those who were against it, Anti-federalists. These can be seen as the first political parties.
It wasn't up to any president to ALLOW political parties to form, but they first formed under George Washington as the Constitution came about, some people were for the Constitution, federalists, and some were against the constitution, anti-federalists.
Political parties were something of a surprise- they began to form sometime after Washington was elected and overall he did not like the idea.
to have more rights
The Progressive Conservative and The Reform parties.
one way for a nation to make people involved with governmentgroup of political parties that comes together to form a government
one way for a nation to make people involved with governmentgroup of political parties that comes together to form a government
Short Answer: YES Long Answer: A person's political affiliation is considered a form of symbolic expression and is protected by the First Amendment.