There was no store to buy the bullets from. This is how they made bullets:
the pieces of a mold would fit together and the solider would pour melted lead into the mold's spout. After the lead cooled, the soldier could take the mold apart and remove his new shot.
revolutionary war
Mary Ludwig, A.K.A. Molly Pitcher, was the wife of someone fighting in the American Revolution who brought water to soldiers in need during the war. Once her husband was wounded, she took his place and fired the canon at war. Deborah Sampson was a woman who wanted to fight in the American Revolutionary War, so she dressed up as a man so she could fight. She was finally discovered when she was sick with yellow fever. Women -cooked -washed clothes -fed soldiers -and took care of the wounded soldiers
i dont really no about moderates and i really need help in this class.....i need answers to do a persuasive essay
During times of conflict/hardship people often need a distraction to help them feel good about something. If your team wins it can make you feel good, even if only for a day.
the war was over so soldiers had no need for the lipstick containers which made bullets
Not really. Lead wheelweights can make decent bullets for modern day firearms. However, muzzle loading firearms have very shallow rifling, and need VERY soft lead bullets. Wheelweights are just too hard.
Well there are many different BRANDS of ammuntion that you can buy for a glock. but obviously you will need 9mm bullets for a 9mm gun.
You need: 1)a license 2)some bullets
No bullets need for it to be a war, Look at a War of words for instance
There are too many variables to be able to answer that. would need to know the size of the bullet and the type of lead.
What ever king fits.
Bullets are not likely to do you any good. You can not reload rimfire ammunition. You need to search for loaded ammunition.
Why are you making your own 9mm bullets? What do you need 9mm bullets for? What do you even need a gun for? Jeez, just move to somewhere safe.
You need to specify who the following leaders are if you want it to make it possible to answer your question.
He has to add up how many bullets he will need for the shooting range. For example, he needs to shoot 200 bullets each time he goes to the range, and he goes to the range 20 times per month. How many bullets does he need per month? Answer: 200 X 20 = 4000 bullets per month.