Social contract is the only government theory that focuses on protecting the rights of the governed. The other theories of government are divine right, force, and evolutionary.
the individuals
The list of rights protected in the Constitution were those rights that the Founders believed would be most likely for a tyrannical government to infringe upon. There were also rights that were not protected because they come in direct conflict with other rights. For example, the Right of Reputation and the Right to Free Speech come into conflict since negative speech could harm reputation; but the Founders believed that Free Speech was more important that the Right of Reputation. There were also rights that the Founders did not believe should be given, but that later generations thought were worth protecting, such as the Right to be a Free Man.
That man has the natural rights given by God and that when the government no longer protects these rights that the people have the right to change the government. He then lists the reason/charges against the King to back up that the king is no longer protecting these rights. The basic message and belief is that the people of the 13 colonies should be free from British rule.
the job of protecting the rights is the congress
Colonial experiences under British rule had a profound effect on the Founders' views about rights and government. The Founders knew what it was like to live without liberty or representation in government. These insights are reflected in the US Constitution, particularly in the Bill of Rights.
Natural rights, sometimes called unalienable rights, are rights the Framers believed all people are born with and can never give up. The Founders argued that the government's central purpose should be to protect and uphold these rights.
Social contract is the only government theory that focuses on protecting the rights of the governed. The other theories of government are divine right, force, and evolutionary.
the individuals
The list of rights protected in the Constitution were those rights that the Founders believed would be most likely for a tyrannical government to infringe upon. There were also rights that were not protected because they come in direct conflict with other rights. For example, the Right of Reputation and the Right to Free Speech come into conflict since negative speech could harm reputation; but the Founders believed that Free Speech was more important that the Right of Reputation. There were also rights that the Founders did not believe should be given, but that later generations thought were worth protecting, such as the Right to be a Free Man.
colonists' rights were defined by formal documents. british rights were defined by laws and tradition
If any government abused these rights instead of protecting them then the people had the right to rebel and form a new government.
If any government abused these rights instead of protecting them then the people had the right to rebel and form a new government.
Citizen's should educate children's about there legal rights. They can teach them to understand and protect their legal rights.
Colonists rights were defined by formal documents. British rights were defined by laws and tradition
Colonists' rights were defined by formal documents. British rights were defined by laws and tradition.
Colonists rights were defined by formal documents. British rights were defined by laws and tradition