To give students a link between academic studies and career skills
Career clusters
Birth: the family you were born in. Later in life, a good education and a succesful career can take you up into a higher social class. But someone born into a socially high-end family will usually still be considered a member of his family's social class even if he or she is not much of an achiever.
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If you have a future.
How does Ms. Montañez’s career demonstrate an opportunity ladder provided by the political party?
Career clusters
Career clusters
The United States Department of Education's Career Clusters is divided into sixteen categories. Each category is then divided into pathways which is then divided into 1800 career specialties.
4 years in college ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Kentucky Career Clusters are a way of organizing similar careers into groups to help students explore various career pathways. There are 16 different career clusters in Kentucky that encompass a wide range of industries and professions, such as Business Management, Health Science, and Information Technology. These clusters help students understand the relationship between education and the workforce.
A career cluster is a group of jobs and industries that are related by skills or products. There are 16 clusters established by the States' Career Clusters and are recognized by the USA.
All career clusters use information technology in carrying out their work.
the difference between career clusters and career interest areas is that carrer clusters are groups of similiar occupations and industries and career interest areas are general kinds of activities people do in many different careers.
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The type of education that is required for a career in website design is computer and programming. One needs to learn how to program and develop graphics to make a website attractive and user friendly.
For a career in web marketing, one should enroll in an Internet Marketing Bachelor's program. One will learn how to develop a brand and study trends on the internet.