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Many speculations exist, however the one we stick to is simply, because of the, politics.

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Q: Why did the US government decide to move their nations capital?
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Did congress decide to move the nations capital to Washington D.C.?

No, that was the British before the Revolutionary War.

Did the voters decide to move the nations capital to Washington DC?

Temporary Capitals such as NYC and Philly were used before hand. George Washington was the person who decided to move the capital to the once swampy land but died before it'd completion

In 1722 where did the general assembly decide to move the capital?

no were

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Wanted more people to move inwards

When and why did Brazil's government move the capital city to Brasilia?

Wanted more people to move inwards

When and why the Brazil's government move the capital city to Brasilia.?

Wanted more people to move inwards

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The capital is located in Abuja (center of unity) moved on 12th Dec. 1991 by General IBB

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In Canada, the fathers of Confederation did not think of First Nations as citizens of the new country. After Confederation, a special government department was created to decide how the First Nations people should live. Many First Nations were forced to live on reserves. These people were not allowed to vote. If they wanted to vote, they had to leave their reserves & begin living like the Colonists did. This meant they had to farm or move to a city.

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Ankara was chosen as the capital of the modern state of Turkey in 1923. The previous capital had been Istanbul, but the government wanted to move the capital because of Istanbul's associations as the Ottoman capital.

What year did the federal government move to Washington D.C.?

Washington DC became the capital on July 16, 1790

Why did the Brazilian government build a new capital in Brasilia?

because they wanted to more people to move inwards and because the current capital was to easy to be invaded by Portuguese enemy's

Why was Brazil's capital relocated?

Because all of Brazil's major cities were in the coast, and the government was trying to get people to move out of the coast and into brazil, so they built brazilia, and made it our capital