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privide many adventage to the british,it allowed the british government not the colonist to control westward contunued but this are the most important parts

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The further west they moved the harder it was for Britain to control the colonies and enforce laws.

Britain wanted to control the fur trade, and wanted to keep peace with the Native Americans (who settled in that region).

The colonists hated the Native Americans immensely.

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Q: Why did the british government want to halt western movement?
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Continue Learning about American Government

Why did the South perceive the Wilmot Proviso as such a threat?

Because the Wilmot Proviso sought to halt the extension of slavery in the western territories

What best describes the effects of the 1851 Treaty of Laramie?

The 1851 Treaty of Laramie had significant effects on Native American tribes in the Western United States. It established boundaries for tribal lands, attempted to halt intertribal conflicts, and allowed for the safe passage of settlers. However, many of the promises made in the treaty were not upheld by the US government, leading to further conflicts and displacement of Native American tribes.

Which politician promised to stand in the schoolhouse door to halt integration?


How might the system of checks and balances increase public confidence in the government?

The checks and balances could increase the public confidence in the goverment, because they could believe due process was happening. However, if any portion decided to, they could all but completely halt any actions the government could take.

Impressment of 1812?

Impressment was a method used in Europe to get sailors by forcing them to join the navy without notice. The men who were impressed were nearly all sailors on merchant ships, and had experience at sea, which made them valuable. When the United States declared independence, there was little in the way of records that could prove a man was of one country or another. Many of the sailors on US merchant ships were English born, including both some who had moved to the United States and taken up citizenship, and some who had not. British ships stopped American merchant vessels, and a number of sailors who were on them were identified as British and removed for sea duty. Naturally, there were legitimate US citizens included among those who were taken. And just as naturally, the US government was more than slightly upset that its citizens were being kidnapped by the British government. The impressment of US sailors was one of the causes of the War of 1812.

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Why did the British want to halt western movement?

privide many adventage to the british,it allowed the british government not the colonist to control westward contunued but this are the most important parts

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