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Q: Why did the continental cngress pass a resolution to form militias?
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What do Richard Henry Lee and the Declaration of Independence and the Second Continental Congress have in common?

Richard Henry Lee was a delgate from Virginia to the Second Continental Congress. He proposed a resolution that America declare its independence from Great Britain. On July 2, 1772, the Second continental Congrees adopted that resolution and 2 days later adopted the final form of the Declaration of Independence.

What groups would not be allowed to form under the terms of the First Amendment freedom of assembly?


What form of protest did the delegates to the first Continental Congress agree to use?


Why did some colonists form militias?

Militias were formed as the colonial united states had no standing army due to their young age and inability to support one financially The militias, also called "minute men" often consisted of ramshackle groups of farmers that fought on a minutes notice, hence the name minute men, with whatever weapon nearest by. These Militias angered the British forces as they were not fighting the correct and gentlemanly way; often fleeing from a loosing battle rather than surrendering to the British. So all in all they were formed because of necessity and lack of a home front security system.

Why did the second continental congress form the continental army before sending the olive branch petition to king george?

because they wanted to go to war and if they died they would have a back up by sending the olive branch and they wouldn't get in trouble

Related questions

Why did the continental congress pass a resolution form militias?

These resolutions were had been prepared by Bostonians and prepared others who lived in the Suffolk county, Massachusetts. They said to arm themselves against the British. The people did this by forming a militia. Militias were groups of citizen soldier's. Most wondered if a war was arising. The answer was soon to come.

Did the first continental congress vote to form militias?

I believe that they formed militias in order to combat the british and show the british that they were serious about rebellion. i dont know for sure, i was also looking for the answer. lol

Why did the continental congress pass a resolution to form militia?

These resolutions were had been prepared by Bostonians and prepared others who lived in the Suffolk county, Massachusetts. They said to arm themselves against the British. The people did this by forming a militia. Militias were groups of citizen soldier's. Most wondered if a war was arising. The answer was soon to come.

What do Richard Henry Lee and the Declaration of Independence and the Second Continental Congress have in common?

Richard Henry Lee was a delgate from Virginia to the Second Continental Congress. He proposed a resolution that America declare its independence from Great Britain. On July 2, 1772, the Second continental Congrees adopted that resolution and 2 days later adopted the final form of the Declaration of Independence.

The continental shelf continental slope and continental rise combine to form what?

The continental shelf, continental slope, and continental rise combine to form the continental margin.

The continental shelf, continental slope, and continental rise to form the?

continental margin

Why did colonists Form militias?

british placed even more limits on colonial trade

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Continental Masses form over Land.

What do the continental shelf continental slope and continental rise combine to form?

The continental shelf, continental slope, and continental rise combine to form the continental margin. The continental margin is the transition zone between the continent and the deep ocean basin.

What continental shelf continental slope and continental rise combine to form the?

The continental shelf, continental slope, and continental rise together form the continental margin. The continental margin is the submerged edge of a continent that consists of these three distinct but connected features.

Where do continental air masses form?

Continental air masses form in the United States

What do The continental shelf continental slope and continental rise combine to form the?

The continental shelf, continental slope, and continental rise combine to form the continental margin, which is the submerged outer edge of a continent that extends from the shoreline to the deep ocean floor.