Apparently the writer below me is a retard liberal that watches too much MSNBC and hasn't learned about world history in his/her community college yet. Here's the real answer. King George III was called a tyrant by the founders because England's capital investment into the colonies was huge. Because of this large investment, he wanted to mitigate the losses through fiscal policy and heavily taxed the colonies. Though this, and other mandates, Jefferson labeled King George III as an absolute tyrant in the Declaration of Independence.
Retard opinion - because he did the same thing George W. Bush the Umpteenth is doing and that is use and manipulate a nation to benefit themselves and their sons to come, also having the perspective that "other" nationalities are not as worthy of the life in which they live
The Declaration of independence was based on a document written by George Mason. It was The Virginia Declaration Of Independence.
King George
George Washington
No, but he signed the Constitution And the Declaration of Independence.
George Clymer, from Pennsylvania, was 37 when he signed the Declaration of Independence.
The Declaration of independence was based on a document written by George Mason. It was The Virginia Declaration Of Independence.
george washington wrote the declaration of independence in us
the declaration of independence was signed on july 4 1774
King George
king george
He was the author of the Texas Declaration of Independence and a lawyer.
The Virginia Declaration of rights written by George Mason
he was furious when he received the decleration of independence
The Texas Declaration was written by George C. Childress and the other one was by the USA. Congress?
King George