The oath taken at the inaugural ceremony binds an elected official to support the Constitution of the United States. Sometimes the members of Congress are sworn in as a group. The President and Vice President are always sworn in individually.
A state's governor is directly elected by its registered voters. The U. S. president (and vice president) is elected by a group of electors appointed by the states.
If someone said the cabinet is elected, it would not be true. The cabinet is appointed by the president, who first nominates them and then has to get the approval of the Senate.
Jefferson Davis was appointed by the Confederate Congress to be the president of the Confederate States of America in 1861. At first he was the provisional president. Soon after, the Confederate Congress elected Davis to a six year term that could not be renewed. The Confederate Constitution called for a one term of six years for any Confederate president.
James Madison, the fourth president, served a term in Congress before he was President. He was the first president with experience in Congress.
Appointed by the President and approved by Congress.
The President and Vice-president are elected, the President's cabinet is appointed. If the Vice-president dies in office, the President appoints a new Vice-president, pending confirmation of Congress.
The U.S. Supreme Court members are not elected by the people. They are nominated by the President and voted on by the Congress.
No, governors are elected by the people of a state. Federal judges are appointed by the President and confirmed by Congress.
No, state judges are either elected or appointed.
A majority of the Electors in the Electoral College
THE president is elected by the electrol college. Congress is elected by the people
A president is elected. (the constitution states that a president is elected by the people for the people) You think I am wrong because I am only twelve years old be my geography teacher has taught us all about that. thanks for your question!
Gerald Ford was never elected in a national election. He was appointed vice-president to fill out a term and became President when President Nixon resigned. He elected to Congress some 10 times by his Congressional district.
By the means of an elected government, constituted by the executive (president), legislative (congress) and the judiciary (courts and judges, who are appointed).
There was no confederate congress so there was no president elected from both.