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Cities in Greece began to appear about 800 bce or so. Most of these were located on the ocean, where trade was facilitated by shipping. Cities were proud of their accomplishments, and civic booster ism fostered patriotism to the city. Cities are a lot easier to manage than states are, but they do require a hinterland where farmers and shepherds labor to produce the grain and meat city dwellers need.

The function of a city state was to govern itself and its territories, and to protect the people loyal to it. Different types of government were tried - democracy in Athens, oligarchy in Corinth, and a militaristic state in Sparta. These states had different interests, and this produced conflict. For several hundred years Greeks of all persuasions were able to unite in the face of a common foe like Persia, but after the Pellopennesian War this cultural and political unity was destroyed.

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Q: Why did the hellenic civilization develop the political instutution of the city state or polis?
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