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Women through the centuries have been treated as second class citizens. Traditionally due to gender roles, women have been the ones who stayed at home and took care of the house and children. Since women tended to stay at home, they were less likely to go to meetings. As a result, women traditionally did not vote, as they were not present.

As the modern day came about, women demanded a more active role in the forming of a society. However, due to traditions, eg from The Bible, men discriminated against women. Some men condescendingly considered women unable to make the correct decisions in order to vote. Women have become more integrated into all parts of society, particularly during war-time. As a result women were eventually given the right to vote in most places in the world.

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14y ago
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10y ago

For a sadly long period in the history of the United States, it was thought that women did not have the knowledge or interest in politics required to vote. The belief was that politics was a dirty business, suited only for men.

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14y ago

Women didn't always have the right to vote because they were considered objects; lesser than men. Thus, they weren't allowed to vote because they were concluded as ignorant. They also didn't know much about politics. There were trained to, basically, cook, wash, mother, walk, and talk. That's about it.

To some women were considered to be a worker not a voter people felt that they knew nothing about politics. So what they did was keep them in the house as a mom and cook and cleaner

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12y ago

Because of their role in World War 1. When the men were fighting the women took the men's jobs making them more independent.

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15y ago

becase the men belived that wemon were there to please men and should have no rights ps sorry about the spelling

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13y ago

women were not allowed to vote befor 1919 mainly because of there gender and males were considered higher ranking than the women

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12y ago

Because in many places, though not all, it was prohibited.

Women were almost classed as none citizens or at best second class ones. This is true in some parts of the world today.

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12y ago

because they didnt want to

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There were many different elections before women could vote, the right to vote was not obtained until 1921 by women.

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in 1918 women over 30 got the right to vote

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In Ireland, the right to vote was granted to women in 1898 for local government elections, and in 1918 for general elections.

When did women first get the right to vote in Britain?

1918 (women over 30) mostly because of the contribution of women in ww1 and the suffrage protests. In 1928 all women could vote women in Britain could vote after the age of 30 in 1918 (after ww1) by 1928, the age was lowered to 21 (equal to men)

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Some women were given the vote in 1918 but it wasn't until 1928 that all women had the same voting rights as men.

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Women were first given the right to vote in 1918. The first election they voted in was in 1920 when Warren G. Harding ran against James M. Cox.

When were the woman in Poland allowed to vote?

Women in Poland were allowed to vote after regaining independence from Austria, Prussia and Russia in 1918.

When were women granted voting rights in the UK?

Women aged 30+ who rented or owned property were granted the right to vote in 1918. This was changed in 1928 to make men and women equal, abolishing the property requirement and dropping the age to 21. (now 18).