Women fought for what they belived in and in 1807, Shanton & Anthony formed an (National Womens Suffrage Association) which wanted every on man and women to have equal rights.
The woman's suffrage movement in the 1920s
Well, suffrage means to be able to vote, so the goal of the womens suffrage was to change the voting laws and allow for women to be able to vote.
A group of women called Sufferagetes! they started protesting before the war started but had to stop and help in the war. when the war ended the men were pleased with the womens efforts and gave them the right to vote!
In 1920, women received the right to vote in the United States with the passage of the 19th Amendment
The enactment date was August 18, 1920. This means it was ratified on that date.
right to vote
she gave womens' right to vote
Women Right To Vote
The Women's Suffrage Movement caused women to have the right to vote for a President.It led to womens sufferage - getting the "right to vote".
Susan B. Anthony
Susan B. Anthony
Womens right to vote
Women have a right to vote because they work the same, they are as intelligent as men are, and they are people!!!!!!
She chained herself to rails to get the right for women to vote
The right to vote.